Mission Statement
Igbo people have a pattern of kinship and worldview that emphasizes the following principles:
- Cooperation with others
- Collective survival
- Mutual solidarity
- Interdependence and responsibility for others
- Integrity
- Justice and personal Achievement
- Dignity and self-determination
This association therefore, shall serve as a forum for adherence to, execution and dissemination of the above principles.

Our Objectives
To foster unity among and promote the welfare of our members, exercise leadership in promoting the art, culture and heritage of the Igbo people and to contribute to the overall development of our society -
Mr. Chris Nwonye (President)

Our Plan
To do all and everything necessary and proper for the accomplishment or attainment of our set objectives either alone or in corporation with other individuals, corporations or partners, and including federal, state, county, and municipal bodies and authorities.

Our Activities
We have numerous social activities designed to engage our community, foster unity and togetherness. Our programs include the annual Igbo cultural New Yam festival (Iriji), picnics, Xmas parties and events, monthly general meetings, etc.